1v1 BGH is nearly unplayed-a more common 1v1 mode is 6v7 or 11v12, where you are set at one of those positions. The most common mode of play on BGH is 3v3. In longer games, Terran can be overpoweringly strong due to the narrowness and ability to tank all sorts of areas on BGH. Additionally, Terran have a lot of problems handling good Dragoon → DT tech. Terran has some difficulty on BGH team games due to their early game lack of mobility, and the fact that Marines are less competitive than Zealots or Zerglings until they have more tech. Zerg is weak on BGH due to the limitation of larvae: Zerg can't keep up economically while still having an army either they are forced to not have an army (in which case the game is lost), or else they don't have much of an economy and lose relevance as the game goes on.

With so many imbalances where people can be tanked, you'd think it's a Terran map, but BGH is actually a Protoss-favoring map. Some spots can be extremely restricted by enemies (cannons at bottom of 9 natural will fire at units exiting 6+7, tanks from many spots can shoot enemies unhindered) The corner spots can be cliff tanked, and the 6 and 9 can be tanked such that melee units cannot reach them. The 11+12, 1, and 5 ones can be tanked directly from the opponent's main.

The 3 o'clock's bottom gas and bottom mineral fields can be tanked from the 5 o'clock main.Įvery natural can be tanked from somewhere. The gases at the 11 are significantly slower than those of the other bases. It's good to be aware of them, so you aren't suddenly surprised by them during play, though.Įvery spot can do a ling-proof Terran wallin, but only the 3, 5, 6, and 7 can do it such that the Marine spawns inside the wallin. These are things that are there, and there's not much you can do about them. Each of the four corners has a cliff which is cliffable by Tanks (and potentially but extremely rarely other units). The middle of the map has 2 gases and 12 mineral fields. Each main has 2 gases and 15 mineral fields, while each natural expansion has 1 gas and 9 mineral fields.